Project Profiles

Dominion Bridge Remediation

Tri-Core was awarded the remediation of an “orphaned” industrial site known as the Dominion Bridge site in Winnipeg, MB. The goal of this project was to remove and dispose of soil contaminated by hydrocarbons and heavy metals. The objective was to isolate and replace contaminated soil to allow foundations to be installed for future site development. The scope of work included:

  • Excavating and safely disposing several thousand tonnes of chromium, lead, benzene, and PAH-contaminated soils and surface structures.
  • Large volumes of impacted groundwater were managed by storing and testing on site and were disposed of in accordance with provincial and federal requirements.
  • Restoration of the excavated areas with clean soil, granular and asphalt paving materials were laid to match the original site surface.
  • Surface drainage improvements were made and provision of silt trap riffles contributed to the erosion protection and aquatic habitat enhancement and bank revegetation.

Challenges met on this project included a limited sized site where working in tandem with other site contractors and the existing steel manufacturer required a strong focus and dedication to Safety.